Meeting Dates/Mission

General Information/Organizational Rules

MAP TO AA FIELDS/Dexter/Saline/Whitmore Lake/Milan

Age Divisions and Field Sizes Tounament Rules and League Point System

Links to USSSA and Tournamentfinder

General Information New Players and TeamsContact email



1.The coaches run this league. One Team - one vote. Meetings are held once a month Coaches may make proposals, changes or suggestions at meetings. Coaches are strongly urged not to make proposals, changes or suggestions that they themselves are not willing to follow up on and implement. AAABA is a non-profit organization. All organizational positions are voluntary (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, field scheduler, etc.). No one is to profit from or by the use of the name "Ann Arbor Area Baseball Association". No coach is to make a profit from his team or organize his team so that anyone makes a profit.


2. The Board  - The officers of the corporation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and Scheduler. Any person may serve as an officer of this corporation. The members may choose to elect more than one person to share the duties of any officer. Officers shall receive no compensation for their services as officers


 3. A League - Consists of volunteers working together to the best of their ability to fulfill the proposed schedule and organize games, fields and umpires for the purpose of playing baseball. It also consists of one or more divisions with each division having a limited ability to determine the level of play.

The general body of coaches is charged with using common sense to maintain a "high standard" of integrity to the spirit of the rules and the quality of baseball played in this league.


4. Divisional Coordinator - Job description includes: assisting with the scheduling and team play set-up to make competitive game schedule, helps make decisions about tournament brackets and receives information from league officials then relays the same info to the teams within their division. Receives information from teams such as standings, postponements etc. then reports it to the league. If you rainout game or have questions about your division play or schedule - It is whom you call.


5. A Coach - Is the one who takes personal responsibility for organizing a team and presenting it to the league. You must have a team in order to be a coach.


6. A Team - Consists of nine players.

Each team must have a roster with the name, address, phone number, parents name and players birth date turned in before the start of the season and any games are played or earlier as directed by the secretary.


7. League Fee Costs -  2005 is  900 dollars (in which 50 of this will be paid to the umpire scheduler to cover scheduling costs incurred by the Umpire N Chief)

The league fee covers 20 regular season games    This fee covers league registration, insurance, field scheduling, field rental, and field prep,  trophy T-shirts for each division winner, admin fees for tax prep, 501C filings, mtg room rental, website and other supplies.

Each team must pay an initial amount of 200 dollars, before any practices are held and will be registered and insured by the League.  A team must be paid in full at the scheduling Meeting. There will be no refunds given to teams by the league after games are scheduled. The 200 dollars will be applied to the league fee.


8. Deposit Fee - A 50 dollars Umpire/Field SECURITY DEPOSIT will be collected and returned if no forfeits or no shows occur during season.

The fee is forfeited if: If a team does not show for a game, and has not made previous arrangements. Monies will be used to pay umpires and field costs.

If a team is a no-show twice in a season an additional 50 dollars will be collected before the team can play its next scheduled game


9. Team Cost -

One New Game Ball - each team is to supply one new ball for each game and tournament game

Umpire Pay  - Paid at the field cash or check for each game. If two there are two Umpires each receives:

30 for 10 and Under

35 for 12U and under,

40 for 13U and older

50 for 16U

If there is one umpire the fee is:

10U - 12U cost 60 (30 each team)

13U and 14U cost 80 (40 each team)

16U 100 (50 each team)

Uniforms -each team to have numbered shirts and caps. Cost of uniforms is costs by each team.

Equipment - Helmets are required for each batter and runner. Catchers must where protective gear. Footwear and bats must adhere to AAABA rules.


10. League Rules - High School rules apply unless stated in League Rules


11. Field Use - The League will make an effort to reschedule cancelled games due to bad weather, unsafe field conditions. Using fields deemed unplayable by the City of Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation personnel is not allowed and jeopardizes teams future use of public fields.


12. Rainouts/Postponements (see Cancel Game Policy) -

If both coaches call a game due to weather or any reason they must do so at least 2 hours prior to game time then call the Umpires to cancel the scheduled umpires without an umpire fee due.

If the coaches call a game before it starts at the Field then umpires are paid a $ 10 "show up fee".

If an umpire calls a game (after it has started) due to weather or whatever then they are paid their normal or game fee.

Notify your divisional coordinator of the situation in order to re-schedule the game. Every attempt will be made to re-schedule rainouts and postponed games. However there is no guarantee all games will be played due to weather or other unreasonable circumstances


11. League Meetings -

Meetings are typically held at 7:00pm, on the second Monday of the month in Ann Arbor. All managers and coaches will be notified of winter meetings, which begin in December.


12. Sportsmanship -

Although last it should not be least in our concerns as they relate to the players and spectators of AAABA. The fact that we play clean, hardnosed baseball should not distract from our obligation as coaches and role models to our youth, and that is to teach them this important trait. How well we relate to the players, our fellow coaches and the umpires directly affect our ability to carry out this responsibility. Please be mindful of this as you enjoy your season.



13. Refunds - No monies refunded given after the scheduling meeting